
How to verify yourself through the Discord Bot?

As you may know, the IMX Rarity Discord Bot can add a custom role to any NFT holder of a collection on which Discord server the bot is installed.

The verification process is very easy and only needs less than 30 seconds to be done.

To start the verification, the user can type /verify and execute it, if Discord auto-completes the command with the logo of IMX Rarity.
The slash command allows the bot to send a "public-private" message, which will be send in the channel the command is executed in, but this message cannot be seen by the other members.

Slash commands should be available in all the servers the bot is in, but in case it is not, the !verify command can be used instead, which requires the user to have the DMs enabled in order to receive the verification link.

Once the link clicked, the user will be redirected to imxrarity.io, where it'll be able to login thought Discord and Metamask respectively, allowing us to link an ETH address to a Discord profile and checking is he has NFTs for the collection he's verifying for.

In case NFTs of this collection are owned by the address that has been chosen in Metamask during the verification process, the user will instantly receive a custom role on the Discord of the collection.

In case this user sells or trades all his NFTs from a collection he verified for, this custom role will be removed as soon as the transactions are executed on the Blockchain.

IMX Rarity is the only rarity website that has 0 latency with Immutable X, meaning that any trade or sale is detected as soon as initiated, guaranteeing safety and reliability for our customers.

Of course, if any problem occurs with the bot, feel free to contact us via Discord or using the contact form.

Thanks for reading, and happy new year!
Author profile picture PHP_Sensei CTO & Blockchain specialist
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